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Get the ZO Glow. When hydration and healthy skin are part of the goal, these facials are a must. Your skin will leave feeling revitalised.

ZO Anti-Aging Facial

Everyone’s skin is different, yet one thing remains constant, everyone’s skin ages. There are a plethora of factors that can cause the skin to age, from lifestyle choices to sun damage. In time, we will all start to develop the unwanted characteristics that come with ageing skin, whether this becomes drier and thinner or visible lines and wrinkles begin to form over time. And, although some of these factors are out of our control, others can be positively influenced by following the right skincare plan.


ZO’s professional treatment plan is designed specifically to strengthen your skin’s structure and integrity, and not only will this tighten your skin, but it will also help to combat the appearance of sagging.

ZO Acne & Oil Control Facial

In the majority of cases, the formation of acne can normally be attributed to the overproduction of sebum, an oily substance created by the skin to prevent itself from drying out. When sebum appears in abundance, pores may become clogged and a range of spots, bumps and comedones (whiteheads and blackheads) will appear across several parts of the skin.


In order to combat this distressing condition and better manage the problem of oily skin, we recommend the Acne and Oil Control Facial from ZO Skin Health. As a means of improving skin health and tackling the causes of acne at their source, this treatment is perfect for preventing future breakouts, controlling oil production and successfully reducing pore size, leaving the skin healthier both inside and out.

ZO Skin Brightening Facial

Plagued by dull, dreary-looking skin? As time passes, the effects of ageing and a whole host of other lifestyle factors can have a very real impact on the look and feel of our facial skin, leaving behind such undesirable impressions as discolouration, areas of hyperpigmentation and noticeable inconsistencies in tone. This can result in skin that looks washed out, uunspectacular and in dire need of re-energising.


The ZO Skin Brightening Facial, a rigorous and nourishing treatment is designed to leave the skin looking fresher, clearer and much more even in colour and texture.

ZO Ultra Hydration Facial

Dry skin is extremely common and is one of the most widely treated skin conditions. This isn’t normally very serious, so with the right remedy, you can be looking radiant again in no time. Skin dryness is most commonly caused by environmental factors such as the weather and air moisture levels. 


The ZO Ultra Hydration Facial is used to treat men and women who are suffering from dry, dehydrated and weak skin. The procedure is deeply relaxing and usually includes a massage using the ZO Aloe Hydra Massage Gel, as well as a hydrating cleanse to remove any makeup or surface debris. When booking in for this facial, you’re guaranteed to leave with skin that feels fresher and more hydrated.

ZO Facial for Redness

Facial redness is a common skin complaint that can be attributed to various factors, including rosacea, irritation, allergic reactions and other natural responses to certain medications or products. We understand that having a flushed appearance or experiencing patches of redness can be difficult to deal with, especially if these areas are sore or painful.


This facial is clinically proven to help relieve and reduce the most visible signs of red, sensitive skin as well as symptoms which are associated with rosacea such as flushing, inflammation and roughness. The ZO Redness cream will also help manage excess surface oil present on the face, as well as exfoliate the skin to reduce the effects of ageing.

ZO Radiant Skin

Your skin is one of the first things that people will notice about you, and it is probably the first thing you notice whenever you look in the mirror. Having to live with dry, dull and tired skin isn’t easy. Not only can it be a real knock to your confidence but it can also affect how you approach day to day situations.


Do you suffer from dull tired skin? Tired of worrying about what people will think? If so, the ZO Radiant Skin Package could be the perfect solution for you. This combination of professional aesthetic treatments is designed to restore a brighter and more youthful complexion, as well as achieving optimum health for your skin.

ZO Stimulator Peel Facial

Over time, our skin becomes incredibly susceptible to many forms of damage and discolouration as well as being one of the first places on the body to display the most dreaded signs of ageing. Of all the solutions available for correcting issues as wide-ranging as wrinkles, clogged pores and general dullness, chemical peels – composed of many rejuvenating ingredients – are generally considered to be the most effective, and it’s not hard to see why.

We offer the ZO Stimulator Peel, a superficial peel notable for its popularity within celebrity circles and its promise of offering instant results with very little downtime.

ZO 3 Step Peel

Whether as a result of a recognised medical condition or a hard-to-swallow side effect of the ageing process, the condition of our skin can begin to decline as the years pass by.


For many years, ZO Skin Health, a world-leading skincare brand created by noted dermatologist Dr Zein Obagi, has sought to reduce the influence that many lifestyle, environmental and biological factors have over our skin health with a range of powerful products capable of both managing and correcting a wide array of skin concerns. ZO’s chemical peels – as a unique formulation of rejuvenating ingredients – are one of the finest examples of this dedication to improving the look and feel of the skin and we are proud to offer their 3 Step Stimulation Peel here.

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