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Skin boosters is an injectable aesthetics treatment that rejuvenates the skin from the deepest layers of the skin by increasing cellular regeneration and hydration.

They contain various cocktails of non-crossed linked hyaluronic acid, amino acids and vitamins that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin – which are the main structural components of the Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM).


Hyaluronic acid naturally occurs in the body and attracts and binds water in the skin, providing volume and hydration, but also ‘cushions’ and supports collagen and elastin fibres and also provides a medium, or carrier, for the efficient transport of chemical messages between the cells. However, as we age your natural production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin diminish.


The patented formula in the skin boosters aims to repair damaged skin and boosting your own natural production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid and rebuilds your skin through a process called dermal biogenesis –skin regeneration.

This aim to rebuild the dermal layers of the skin and restores the natural youthful look by tightening the area, improving skin hydration and texture and plumping wrinkles and lines out.

Bio Remodelling Injectables

This treatment is extremely versatile and can be used on the face, neck, décolletage, hands, arms, inner thighs, knees and the under-eye area.

Clients can benefit from the following:


  • Lifting/Tightening effect

  • Reduction in volume loss

  • Reduction of wrinkle severity

  • Improvement in deep skin hydration

  • Improvement in skin pigmentation

  • Improvement in skin definition

Profhilo is injected just below the skin’s surface in just 2 sessions over a period of 4 weeks during which time it will gradually disperse within the skin. The first treatment aims to stimulate and the second to ‘boost’ and ensure longevity. In some cases, and depending on your initial skin quality, you may benefit from a third treatment.


Price for two initial monthly treatments £480 and single maintenance treatment of £280

At Revitalise Medical Aesthetics, you will receive an in depth consultation ahead of your Botulinum Toxin Injections which will provide you with an opportunity to discuss what you would like to achieve, and together with a full facial assessment and a detailed medical history, the most appropriate treatment plan will be devised.

There will be no pushy sales pitches and you will be encouraged to have a cool-off period before deciding if the proposed treatment is right for you.

Hanna is a skilled and experienced Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Independent Nurse Prescriber specialising in non-surgical skin rejuvenation. With 15 years of clinical experience, she prides her self on delivering high quality, safe and professional care at all times for her clients.

Hanna has received extensive advanced aesthetic training including the gold standard 18 month-long Ofqual accredited post-graduate level 7 certification in injectable and aesthetic medicine.​

Following your Botulinum Toxin treatment you will be provided with written aftercare information and you will be given Hanna's contact details and she will be on hand 24/7 to assist you with any concerns during this time. Included in your treatment cost is a review to assess the results 14 days later. Should an adjustment be appropriate then this is free of charge. Our aim is to get the results you want at a reasonable price with no hidden costs.


  • How does anti-wrinkle injections work?
    Botulinum toxin is a chemical produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum and is commonly referred to as Botox. When injected into carefully selected muscles it causes it to be to temporarily weakend or inactivated by blocking the neuromuscular transmission. This will allow the skin to smoothe and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Will anti-wrinkle injections remove all my wrinkles?
    Botulinum toxin is an excellent treatment for reducing fine lines and wrinkles associated with movement (dynamic lines). However when a line is more deeply engrained within the skin it will be difficult to remove this with one single treatment and regular repeated treatments every 12 weeks are needed for best result. Other treatments such as microneedling, chemical peels, skin boosters and medical grade skin care regimen can also be used ato allow you to acheive best result.
  • Who should not be having anti-wrinkle injections
    Pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers Patients with certain conditions affecting the connections between nerves and muscles (such as Myaesthenia Gravis and Eaton-Lambert Syndrome) People with a previous allergic reaction to botulinum toxin, or with allergies to egg or human albumin People taking aminoglycoside antibiotics (such as gentamicin) Anyone with a skin infection in the area to be treated Caution should be exercised in any patients taking blood-thinning medication such as Warfarin and Clopidogrel, simply due to the possibility of severe bruising Please also inform your practitioner if you take ANY other medications; prescribed, street drugs or herbal remedies. Treatments will only be carried out if you are above the age of 18, if you are lucky enough to look younger you will be asked for photo ID.
  • Is anti-wrinkle injections safe?
    In high concentrations botulinum toxin is a potent poison. However, Botulinum toxin for cosmetic treatments utilises minute doses and is well tolerated by most and caries a very high margin of safety.
  • Is there any potential side effects?
    In most cases there will be no side effects to a treatment. However, because everybody’s physiology is different, people can be affected in different ways. Side effects, if they occur, are usually temporary and mild to moderate. The most commonly reported side effects are: Bruising — For the majority of patients, the area of injection will appear no different although some minor bruising and localised tenderness may occur. Bumps — A few minutes after treatment small bumps may be visible on the skin. These will disappear very quickly. Headache — Temporary headache is the most commonly reported symptom following Botox® injection, though the numbers of patients who report headaches is very small compared with the amount of treatments performed. Any headache can be treated with Paracetamol, rest and increased fluid intake but avoid Ibuprofen or Aspirin since these can increase bruising. If Botox migrates to unwanted sites it can cause weakness and drooping of the eyebrow or eyelid, facial asymmetry, light sensitivity or double vision, dizziness, rash, lethargy or anaphylaxis. However, this is very rare. Should you experience any of these symptoms following treatment, please contact your practitioner or seek medical attention.
  • What can I expect during my treatment?
    All anti-wrinkle treatments will need a seperate initial consultation with your practitioner for the treatment to be prescribed. Your treatment date will then be arranged for another date. This is the law and is non-negotional. On the day of your treatment you can expect the procedure take about 15 minutes. The practitioner will ask you to use certain muscles of the face to observe how they work and mark upwhich muscles will be targeted. Photos will also be taken for your clinical records. Your skin will be cleansed with an anti bacterial solution and an extremely fine, short needle is used to inject the botulinum toxin into the appropriate area. This may cause some slight but brief discomfort. The area may have some slight redness and swelling, which normally resolves in an hour or two.
  • Does the treatment hurt?
    Rather than being painful most people describe anti-wrinkle treatments as a little uncomfortable.Great care will be taken to inject you very gently using a very fine micro needle. Some factors may make it feel more painful such as stress or hormonal fluctuations. The use of an ice mask prior to injection, numbing the area can make treatment more comfortable but is generally not required.
  • What is the expected down time after the treatment?
    Most people can continue their normal daily activities straight after the treatment.
  • How soon after the treatment will I see the effect?
    You may notice results starting to take effect between 4 to 7 days but the full effect may take a full 2 weeks to develop. At the two week point a review appointment will be arranged and should you have any residual muscle movement in the treated area a complementary adjustment treatment may be offered. Please note that this is not a "top up" and only provided if clinically indicated.
  • How long will the result last?
    Although some people experience longer lasting results, scientific evidence shows that the effect of botulinum toxin usually last up to 12 weeks but movement may start to gradually return from 4-6 weeks. Specific treatment results or longevity can never be garanteed as every patient’s metabolism and life style factors are highly instrumental in the longevity of the treatment.
  • What will happen when the effect wears off?
    Once the effect wears off, your muscles will function just as they did before the treatment. This means that the wrinkles you smoothed or reduced will slowly begin to appear again; no new wrinkles will have been formed due to the treatment, you will simply be witnessing old wrinkles reappearing following the return of the muscle activity that caused them.
  • Will my lines and wrinkles look worse when it wears off or if I decide to stop having treatments?
    No – Having anti-wrinkle treatments will never worsen fine lines and wrinkles. If you decide to stop having the treatments your skin will gradually return to what it was before. If you feel they look more pronounced once the treatment has worn off then it will most likely be that you have become used to your face looking smoother.
  • Is there any specific advise I should follow before my treatment?
    Yes. In order to minimise the risk of infection, side effects and complications you should follow some pre-treatment advice: Do not consume alcohol for at least 24 hours before treatment as it can thin the blood and increase the possibility of bruising. Avoid hair removal – shaving, waxing, laser treatment or creams in the area receiving the treatment to minimise irritation and reduce the risk of infection. Avoid anti-ageing creams containing substances like retinol. glycolic acid and alpha hydroxy acid to minimise irritation and reduce the risk of infection Do not wear makeup on the day of the procedure to reduce the risk of infection. Make sure you eat before the procedure to stop you feeling faint.
  • Is there any after care advise that I need to follow after the treatment?
    To allow the treatment to work optimally in the target muscle, the following precautions are advised: You can resume your normal activities immediately after treatment. Avoid bending forwards or lying flat for prolonged periods in the first 4 hours after treatment. Do not massage the treated areas as it is possible to spread the product to other areas causing unwanted effects. This also means being cautious during your normal skincare routine and avoiding any other facial treatments for two weeks after the treatment. Avoid extremes of heat for the first two days after treatment – no strenuous exercise, saunas, steam rooms or sun exposure. Avoid alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen or aspirin) for 24 hours after treatment, as these can increase your risk of bruising.
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